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Rendering by artist Ron Baker, My Friend!

“Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.” – General George S. Patton

Yesterday at the airport waiting for Dave to get the car situated before checking bags and making our way through security, suddenly bagpipes, with only the sound they make, began in earnest not far from where I was standing. I turned to see a dozen or so ragtag veterans in all their cool regalia of leather jackets with patches and awards standing in a semi-circle at the bottom of the escalator. A young woman in her fatigues was riding down the escalator with a somewhat stunned look on her face smiling and wondering if all this was for her, I’m sure. As she tentatively stepped off her family throwing their arms around her the bagpipes played, the flags stood tall at the sides of the men and women who showed up to welcome her home. We all stood near and far applauding for her and sharing in the joy of her and her family reuniting. Not many dry eyes as I surveyed the scene. It was touching.

I’ll be glad when these wars are over and pray that day becomes a reality in my lifetime. In the meantime, I continue to be proud of the young men and women who so bravely serve our country. It’s an honorable profession. The price of freedom continues to be high.

I would have liked to have gotten a picture to share with all of you, but sometimes it is best to just experience the moment and this was one of those ‘moments’ for me. The young soldier, after greeting her family and taking a moment to bask in the unexpected celebration of her return home, went to each and every veteran who so generously came to honor her return home and shook their hands and acknowledged them. When I see things like this I think, “there is hope – in the next generation of young people.”


3 Responses to “Bagpipes”

  1. Kathi Westlake says:

    Lori. You never cease to amaze me. The words that flow so easily from your mouth are awe inspiring. I see you and hear you and you have an aura of color surrounding you. I can’t see the color, I just know it’s there by the joy I see when I look into your eyes. Thank you for opening my eyes and giving me a different perspective on life in general.

  2. Angie Murray says:

    LOVE!!!!! Thanks for sharing….and you are right….times like that you just need to enjoy.

  3. Rene says:

    I had tears just reading your post. Thanks for sharing Lori!!

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