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“….it’s the durability of remission that matters.” – Bart Barlogie, Director of the Myeloma Institute for Research & Therapy, UAMS


International Myeloma Workshop 2011
Dr. Barlogie – What is GEP-defined high-risk Myeloma?
Bart Barlogie, MD
Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
May 3-6, 2011
Paris, France



Dr. Barlogie – Cure of Myeloma; A Personal Odyssey
Boca Raton 2011 Patient & Family Seminar
Bart Barlogie, MD
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas
February 25-26, 2011
(He’s FAMOUS for riding a motorcycle, thus his quip about it. Stick it out for the great panel discussion amongst top internationally known doctors.)

6 Responses to “Barlogie Presentations”

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for sharing this Lori.

  2. Lori says:

    I know! Right! Do you feel hopeful? I sure do. Filled in a lot of blanks for me. I was quite struck by the fact that Low Risk and High Risk have the exact same molecular presentation!!!! Holy Crap! So my hat off to Barlogie for rallying the troops to focus more on the high risk group quickly. Get them sorted out and we will all benefit!

  3. Rene B. says:

    All I can say is “Wow!” Thanks Lori!

  4. Lori says:

    I’m still assimilating the data in these presentations. But I came away with a better understanding on why BB, Dave’s doctors, and indeed our physician advisor friends, recommended that we hit it with everything, including the kitchen sink. Often said, “because he can take it!” I’m a less is more sort of person, but it wasn’t me with MM. Anyway, agree or not, I understand better from these why Barlogie takes this approach. Both from his career historically, working with the man credited for curing childhood leukemia, early in his career, as well as the genetic and molecular changes that occur in MM presentation once the patient relapses. Going from a Low Risk presentation to a High Risk presentation is disheartening, but it explains a lot, for me, on why Barlogie is so aggressive to not just reach CR, but to increase it’s durability. He is buying valuable years for his patients in the research setting. Once relapse occurs, he is looking at a whole different presentation, and never an easier one to treat. I was also pleased to see, through his years of studying the genetics of MM, he has been able to garner support from his fellow researchers to turn everyone’s research attention to properly identifying and tackling the High Risk and Ultra High Risk patients. Whether you are a BB fan or not, I don’t see how you can not admire immensely his tenacity, thoroughness, and single-mindedness in finding a cure for his patients and beating the drum on research focus. I believe that in all of this, we will find the way out and a less toxic route. As Ken Anderson pointed out, creating a molecular change in the MM is the breakthrough needed to now find a cure. I’d like to think they are very close!

  5. Lori says:

    I’m glad. I have watched them twice. The volume sucks a bit unless you have speakers. I also added the links to IMF website where I plucked them as they have other video presentations that may be of interest, though these are the two I grabbed right away as being significant and enjoyable. I just loved the reserved cutting up of the big guys on the panel. I was also incredibly impressed with how Dr. B helps to direct the focus of MM research and garners support from his fellow researchers so that they have a collective mission! In this case, tackling HR MM! If they can unlock to the key to HR, I believe that we will have our cure. I liked too that Dr. Anderson was mentioning “cure”. It’s all very hopeful.

  6. doug says:

    thank you lori……i loved this! i’ll be sending it to others…they need to hear this


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