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Hand Painted Twisted Rayon, Chocolate with Ribbon Highlights

“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose – a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.” – Mary Shelley

Some days I find myself feeling a bit lost and lazy. Lord knows I have plenty that needs to get done around here but I don’t much feel like doing any of it. I hate days like this and generally it isn’t just ONE day! That’s probably the worst part. It’s fine to blow off a day here or there, but when it lingers, seemingly endlessly, I find myself feeling “pooky”, spiritually, mentally.

I could blame it on the hot, hot temperatures that have descended I suppose, but that’s not it. I could blame it on menopause, but that’s an excuse. It’s not the news, I haven’t been watching or listening. My diet, or lack thereof, perhaps. Not getting out on a walk everyday. Not sleeping well. When we get older it seems that it isn’t just ONE thing. Remember when it was? You felt like crap because you were out partying until 4 am in college! That’s easy. Or stressed out before a big exam or presentation. No brainer.

But as we get older it seems so damn complicated. I suspect it’s not, but it sure seems that way at times. So to take my own advice, I will simply have to grab SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and get it handled, managed, completed.

Wish me luck, and I’m hoping that your days are going better than mine is at the moment. Though I’m grateful for no trauma or drama. All in the Clan are doing very well. I have much to be grateful for! Ah ha! I think I’ll start with a little mediation and then take snicklefritz, aka, Kip, The Kipmeister, Kipman, Kippers, for a walk before the heat sets in and it’s impossible!

Cheri o folks! Make it a GOOD DAY! Send me a joke or something! haha

“We are still masters of our fate.
We are still captains of our souls.”

– Winston Churchill

On a happier note! Weaving is still going great. The picture above is a commission I did for a friend, who purchased it for another mutual friend’s birthday. I haven’t heard back yet, but I’m sure it went fine. It is really scrumptiously soft and lovely to the touch. I’m really liking the Twisted Rayon. Rayon is a natural fiber and washes and wears very well. This one has a twist in the yarn threads with a shimmery sheen to it. Its really fun to work with.

And on another bright note! I turned 200,000 on my site visits, wow, that’s pretty humbling for a little cancer blog. I’m truly moved. Thanks for stopping by so often and leaving me your thoughts. Don’t forget you can subscribe which is pretty cool. You only get an email if I post, and only one email with all posts made in that 24 hour period. Not too invasive in your inbox.

8 Responses to “Do you have those days…”

  1. Angie Murray says:

    Well…thank you Lori…..now I know that you aren’t perfect. 🙂 So thanks for making ME feel better!!!! 🙂

    “Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”

    Love you!

  2. Kris says:

    What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef! hahaha
    The other day my 13 yr old nephew told me he heard that cashews can cause cancer. I told him “then I guess it’s okay for me to eat them because I already have cancer.” as I grabbed another handful out of the can. I laughed and he looked a little embarrassed-poor kid. It was funny at the time.
    Thank you for your post and your honesty. We’ve all been there. Sometimes it’s a good place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.
    Have a great day! Love, Kris

  3. Lori says:

    hahaha Sandy! Thanks for that!
    Thanks Karen! I’m always so upbeat on my blogs I figured it might be good to let you guys know I have my down days too! 🙂 The day did turn out better!

  4. Sandy Banks says:

    What does an dyslexic atheist insomniac do?
    Stays up all night wondering if there is a dog.
    There’s the joke you wanted… sorry it’s not better… but hope you don’t need it by now!

  5. karen says:

    hi lori,

    so great you have had a better day! i can relate to how it feels to have those big, fat, blah, blah days. even though i tell myself, “this too, shall pass…”, i HATE feeling like that. thanks for sharing what perked you up – you’re so right, just gotta get going with SOMETHING! love, karen

  6. Lori says:

    Grid wall picked up (missing connectors! Ha! They will mail them.) Grabbed stuff at the grocery store to make pulled pork with slaw and some homemade lemonade. I should just go over to the Nugget anytime I’m feeling blue. They have the nicest people who work there! Always make me smile. I met a new friend “Junior” in the meat department. We had a GREAT time talking about all manner of things. The checkout girl was terrific. She had had a bad day when they had some sort of 1926 prices sale on corn at the store (10 ears for $1.00 with a 30 ear limit). A few nasty (desperate) people. I said, “Well on behalf of Humanity, allow me to apologize.” We rolled on the floor laughing. It was great!

    I’m pushing through the day, bit by bit. It’s hot as hades here at 101 degrees! Whew! No humidity though (thumbing my nose at my dear friends back east! Heat Index!).

    Much to be grateful for, ohmmmmmmm, much to be grateful for, ohmmmmmmm. GRINS!

  7. Lori says:

    Ok, shower, done. Kipper Walk, done. A little grateful meditating moment next then to Sacramento to pick up my new cool grid wall display for my studio and future shows. I’m getting there, I’m getting there. Thanks for indulging me in a my “woes me” sort of day. 🙂

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