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“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” – Mark Twain

I was chatting with MM Caregiver Buddy, JB, from Illinois today and she mention that her hubby had really dry skin and she felt it was from his chemotherapy maintenance. She might be quite right. We caregivers notice these things. I mentioned, “You know, Dave does too, but then he typically has dry skin, its winter time, and he also gets very flush in the face after his infusions each week.” She said she noticed the same thing.

Anyway, it conjured up my “dry skin remedy” (I have VERY DRY SKIN) when I was living in the cold NE in the winter months. I would keep a tub of Petroleum Jelly in the shower and when I was all done, before I would get out, I would grab a dollop, about the size of a quarter or fifty-cent piece, rub it in my palms, and with the water still running over me, I would lightly spread the jelly over my body (don’t do the bottom of your feet in the shower, you will kill yourself!). I would do this as many times as needed to get all the necessary real estate covered (which seems to have increased over the years-ARGH!) and then very lightly towel off. When you start, just lightly skim across areas and then go back, bit by bit, with a little more vigor. You want to get the jelly spread around and then blend it. Keep trying until you figure out the best way for you to do this to get the desired results. It didn’t mess up my shower, clothes, or towels and worked wonders for me. So I will be grabbing some when I’m out next and see if I can convince Senor Puente to give it a try. Oh lordy…

2 Responses to “Dry Skin – Here’s a Tip”

  1. Lori says:

    Indeed. Let me know how the baby oil works. One of the nicer things about the petroleum is it stays put in your hand.

  2. HannaO says:

    Lori this is a great tip. I will try this, and now that I think of it, I may try the same approach with baby oil. I like the smell of baby :-).

    I will have to designate a cloth or brush to get my back done too. I find that when I am trying to fall asleep, I start to get itchy and it’s always at a spot that is not reachable.

    Thanks for this good tip.

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