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FaceBook Fan Page

“If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.” ~Frank Lloyd Wright

Some time ago, I created a Riding the Wave Facebook “Page”. Not really having a clue about what I was doing and it has languished for some time. I couldn’t quite figure out “how” I would use it and whether it would be extra work, and on and on. . .

With the advent of the new profile page changes at Facebook, where they took off my website link on the profile page and now it is buried in the “info” tab somewhere, I decided to take another look at this page and what to do with it. To my pleasure I have learned that I can automatically feed my blog posts from here into this page. (Now could someone just clean my house like that!)

So what does this mean for some of my readers? Do you need to now go to Facebook? No. What it means is, if you are a Facebook(er) and like to spend most of your time there, catching up with your friends and their lives, then you can become a “Fan” by hitting the “like” button (lower left, bottom corner) and get my feeds automatically showing up on your “home” page like all the other status message of your friends and family. You don’t have to do anymore, and you can click directly on it from your Facebook (view original post) if you are so inclined.

To get started, just click on the Myeloma Ribbon Icon in this post and it will take you right there, provided you have a FB account. Which if you don’t, and you don’t want to, then just continue to visit here directly like you have been doing (thank you very much by the way!).

Ok, to the kitchen sink to do my dishes! ARGH!

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