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Wearing their Super Bowl Jackets @ Indy

“We’re here! Superrrrr Bowlllllllll!” – Text

Dave has been blessed this year with a couple of companies that have gifted him with football tickets. We got two sets for the championship games with the San Francisco 49ers and then he couldn’t believe it when another company gave him two super bowl tickets! As luck would have it he would be in Indiana for business the week before. So we decided to extend the other ticket to our son (much to our daughter’s dismay!). Dave flew him up from Miami on Saturday morning and picked him up.



“Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” ― Margaret Lee Runbeck

So on Saturday they toured the Indy Racetrack and all the cool cars. I went to a couple of the Formula One races when they used to hold them exclusively at Watkins Glen, NY in the US. It was an amazing experience to have hundreds of thousands of people descend into this beautiful small town. You could hear the cars revving their engines for miles and miles away as the sound travelled through the mountains. I would imagine the locals didn’t love it so much, but we sure did. I would have enjoyed this little excursion in their super bowl trip!

Then they ventured over to a NFL venue and saw the super bowl rings, Lombardi Trophy and all sorts of football fan items. They settled on buying two small helmets with the coach and quarterback signatures of the two teams. Figuring one might be worth some money later on. Typical Dave and Hudson, placing bets on more than one, calculating their odds. Not bad odds. Then Hudson said he just wanted a NFL football. When they arrived back at their room there was a “gift” and it was indeed a super bowl football (the brown one). Needless to say, Hudson is taking that one home!

Dave being a Long Island boy, I figured he’d be rooting for the Giants. Except he was always a Jet fan. So it might not have been so clear cut for him. I was still  smarting from the 49ers not making it, but leaning toward the Giants. Anyway, they had a once in a lifetime experience together. Story has it that this company gives tickets out to some of the same people each year so maybe Ms. Montana will get to go next year.

I’m so over the top happy for them. A real Father/Son event. I try to just enjoy the happiness we feel in moments like this. But I still have this nagging in my mind that is sort of  “Whew! I’m so glad he is here to have these moments with his children.” I really try not to do that comparison, but I guess I’m not there yet. It’s OK, I forgive myself, I keep working on it. Just be. Just do. Just have.

Dave was still nursing a ridiculous cold since the holidays! But with a second round of antibiotic he said he was feeling better. I had packed Cat’s Claw for him to take AFTER his antibiotic was finished. He swore he was feeling better and I was thinking, he wouldn’t tell me if he wasn’t, and I don’t know if I believe him.


3 Responses to “Father/Son Super Bowl”

  1. Angie Murray says:

    Well….I don’t think there is anything wrong with thinking “so grateful they have this time together”. Honestly….we probably should be thinking that our entire lives….we just take it all for granted. 🙁

    Know they had a blast…..memories for a lifetime and more….

  2. Linda Baker says:

    WOW…what an experience for them! Sounds like the perfect father/son adventure and right up every guy’s alley. (I saw where Dave is from Long Island…heading there in April for a wedding in Port Jefferson. First time on the island for me! Just praying I make it safely there from NJ!)

  3. Sarah says:

    Lori: So happy for Dave and your son! Strange how we would have been happy for them ….and things like this…..b/c, but now it’s hard to keep the tears out of your eyes.

    And yes, it’s hard not to do those comparisons…..it’s just something we find ourselves doing. Just so glad for the happy days, happy times!


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