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Scarf #2 - On my own, start to finish.

“Remember, you are an Essential Artist. Weaving is an essential art.” – Dena (our instructor)

What she meant, essentially (ha ha couldn’t resist) is that there are some artistic endeavors that are essential to survival: clothing to wear, pottery to eat off of, etc. That we, as creative individuals are taking something we need and presenting it in an artistic manner.

I like that.

So the class was awesome. We were her guinea pigs, first run through students. It was hectic and fun. Only one of the four of us completed our scarf in the allotted timeframe. But the other three of us had used three colors instead of one or two. Dena said, “Well, that’s a good lesson. No three color scarfs on the first class.” It was just more time consuming and confusing for new weavers.

Dave helped to subsidize the purchase of my loom, with stand, for my Christmas gift this year. I came home with loom in tow and couldn’t be happier. So much began to “click” from my limited, compact, crash course, from my friend’s mother, who through no fault of hers, was pressed to get me a basic understanding before Loom and Lori headed for the West Coast. The fabulous book I have is suddenly making sense.

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucius

Put in your orders… 🙂 (AFTER CHRISTMAS!)

For inquiring minds, I bought the 20″ Ashford Rigid Heddle Knitters Loom. See here (thank god they stopped using the blue plastic, ghastly!)

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