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A state-of-the-art test assesses prognosis and helps individualize therapy.

An article appearing in HemOnc Today, Clinical News in Oncology and Hematology. One of the most unique diagnostic tests developed at UAMS in their 21+ years of exclusively researching Multiple Myeloma at the Myeloma Institute of Research and Therapy (MIRT).


“Modern array testing makes it possible to completely characterize a tumor at the molecular level and account for the clinical heterogeneity of multiple myeloma on a patient-by-patient basis. It also enables doctors to classify a patient’s multiple myeloma based on its genomic expression profile and not just a few chromosomal abnormalities, many of which have lost their prognostic relevance in recent years (ie, del 13 and t[4;14]).”

“In terms of clinical utility, the data suggest that MyPRS gene expression profile testing should be performed in all patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma.”

“In the age of personalized medicine, these newer diagnostic techniques offer unique advantages to help the clinician better manage their patients.”

One of the continued reasons I believe you should go to a “researching” facility to discuss treatment options for your MM. At least it should be a part of your in the consultation process. For those of us, treating at UAMS (or Huntsman), this is old news. It takes a long time for this stuff to get “out there” for the treating physicians to utilize. The good news is, this test is not owned by UAMS and any doctor or facility can order this test for their patient.

2 Responses to “Gene Expression Profiling Advances in Multiple Myeloma”

  1. Lori says:

    Sarah, since this is still not widely done, please do let us know if you are successful or not. We all might like to learn from your experience with trying to get this done.

  2. Sarah Gorrell says:

    Thank you……(as always) for this!! And now, I shall ask for a MyPRS for my honey!!!


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