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Artist Ron Baker, My Friend!

“Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds.” – John Perry Barlow

I really don’t know what to do – regarding Dave. I don’t like him flying, but we have to from time to time. He has a suppressed immune system and just doesn’t have the overall physical strength he used to.

I avoid many things now that he has been so compromised. I try not to let him use the microwave (if I catch him!). I use organics more, steroid free meets, free range chicken eggs, etc. I have found that while I was never a fanatic about it, I preferred it, it really does taste better, but I have always felt that all these “things” have a cumulative effect.

Each industry claims that this isn’t enough to cause a problem. Fair enough. But each industry isn’t asking the question about all the other exposures we encounter in our daily lives.

So I don’t want Dave getting any EXTRA radiation. Then what about his port? Its just barely under the skin in his clavicle. What if they see it in the scanner and he has to have the pat down anyway? What if in the pat-down (should he skip the scanner), they feel it? What if they PUSH on it, will he have to open his shirt? Will they know what it is? What if they don’t? Will he be unable to board the plane?

So… have you decided? What will you do? Curious minds want to know…

(If you know me, its a given that I have strong political views on this… I’m more interested in, if you have to pick, if we have no choice, if you have to fly, if the scanners and pat-downs WIN the battle, and as Americans we lose, again… what will you decide to do? what is your choice? what are your concerns if any?)

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