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“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.” – Henry David Thoreau


I was drinking my coffee this morning and listening to the morning song of the birds, contemplating my day and how happy I feel.

I’m painting at the yarn shoppe, I’m weaving, socializing with others, sharing our creations, laughing and having great conversation from the serious to the frivolous. Everyone is enjoying the rearrangements in the shop, the fresh coat of paint, it’s exciting. Anna is helping me work on something beautifully knit for my daughter with beading in it. I can’t take my loom on the plane, so I will take some knitting. I have never done beading before and she sent me over to a store to get my beads and was getting me started on it. She’s a very good teacher and enjoys that part of her shoppe a lot.

My neighbor went crazy over some of my scarfs and is coming into the shop today to hand pick yarn for her dearest friend and I will weave her something.

Teen Idol finalists will compete this Friday evening and the winners announced. Then its on to their fundraising banquet this fall and all that planning.

Dave is on a business trip, my kitchen is trashed, the laundry is piled up, the bed needs to be made, I’m still in my PJs, thinking about my day, packing for my trip to join him in Arkansas, and I’m happy. Happy to be busy running around doing things I enjoy, laughing with new friends, creating beautiful things and its just all GREAT! I feel like I’m back with the living and it feels really good.

I don’t know what the future will bring, whether it will be this good everyday or not, but it doesn’t matter to me, today. Today it is terrific. Dave is equally happy. Funny that he has the Myeloma and got there way before I did! Admittedly we moved and making new friends was easier for him since he has a job. But still, it is interesting to observe.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain!” – Unknown

So I guess if you can dance in the rain, you can most definitely dance in the sunshine!

2 Responses to “It’s All Good… Actually GREAT!”

  1. Glad that you are having a “happy day”…..and, what is this about beads??? You know I’m going to want one!!! I wanna’ see pictures!

    Hope you have a great LR trip!!



  2. Angie Murray says:

    So thrilled for you that you are happy….there is nothing better!

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