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Monterey Excursion

Monterey’s Lone Cypress Tree

“The journey not the arrival matters.” –  T.S. Eliot

Dave and I went on a road trip to Monterey, CA.

So for weeks we were trying to get away to just DRIVE in the new/used “CaliCar” we recently got. Top down, destination known or unknown, just hit the road jack! Weekend after weekend was obligated to one wonderful thing or another and finally we made a break for the coast. It wasn’t about where we were going or what we would do once we got there, it was truly just about driving our cool little convertible with the top down and the music blaring.

We had a ball. It was one overnight and back again. We spent some time on Canary Row and dinner at Schooners at the Monterey Plaza Hotel.

I had been driving the car for weeks of course, always taking the long way home and not really wanting to get there. Dave hadn’t had a chance to drive at all so he enjoyed getting behind the wheel, tightening up his baseball cap and heading out.

I had spent those weeks outfitting it with visors, hair clips, rubber bands, sunblock, etc., on the off chance I had any female passengers. Dave’s first comment when he got in the car was, “You have SOOOOO chick-a-fied this car!” HELL YES! 🙂 We had quite the chuckle.

Pebble Beach 17 Mile Dr

Anyway, it was a delightful trip and while we were all paid for and set to do the aquarium on Sunday, we opted for 17 Mile Drive instead. Our tickets are good for a year so now we know we have to go back. We wished we’d had Hudson with us on the drive for tree identification. It was really pretty. We stopped at Pebble Beach and Dave bought two key chains. One for him and one for his buddy Russell with promises that one day they will play there.

Dave was feeling a bit beat up from his workout the day before with Luis (which is going quite well). Heavy, sore legs. When I went down the stairs to get a closer look at Monterey’s Lone Cypress Tree I giggled thinking how he would be griping heading back up those stairs. Trust me. Been there, done that. Misery loves company and all that jazz. Just had to take a photo of what he would be facing.

We had fun and while it wasn’t nearly enough time to really enjoy Monterey and the sites, we knew that going in and kept reminding ourselves it was about the two of us taking a drive in the cool CaliCar and just enjoying it, and we really did.

Wikipedia page on Monterey’s Lone Cypress Tree and it’s history


The slide show might take a bit to load to see all the photos.

I’m leaving for a week for Montana (the state), near Bozeman with some HS friends. Dave was supposed to join me but bailed. He has meetings back east. Needless to say I and they were disappointed. He was especially disappointed to learn we would be staying in cabins in Yellowstone and the guys are going fly fishing, which Dave has never done. Dave’s commitment to work was one of the things that didn’t change after cancer. However, he does enjoy it more than before. He has a different attitude about it, but he still will battle with family and friend obligations over getting is work projects done. He is working on a very large multimillion dollar video project for the whole company, but then his projects are always BIG! Sigh… Fortunately for me they were fine with me coming without him, so I’m hoping to get a lot of photos and having a great time. I’m still mid packing. It’s 70 degrees during the day and 29 degrees at night! It’s hard to pack for that and even harder still if you’re me and wait ’til the last possible moment to get it all finalized. 🙂 

Then we have a trip to Arkansas coming up the end of October and then I’ll fly to Baltimore for a quick visit with Montana (the daughter). Then Thanksgiving will hit and my annual trip to Kentucky in December and then Christmas. Life is back, full swing and sometimes like a blur. Right now I’m enjoying it.


3 Responses to “Monterey Excursion”

  1. colson says:

    I really needed this vicarious trip! We will send you edited thank you notes- all 54 of us. I believe they will love this. A new world is always welcomed. Reallllly miss you on this side of the mountain. Thank you for taking us with you. Love to Mr. Puente.
    Much Love and Respect,

  2. Lori says:

    It’s in the photo slide show!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Hey Lori! We want to see the car!

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