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“The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense.” – Tom Clancy

Hey! There’s a new kid on the block! Angie Murray, a Myeloma caregiver I was privileged to meet in Little Rock last year, along with her husband who had just finished up his tandem transplants, has decided to start a blog on her journey as a caregiver, mother, wife, friend, etc. She is a delightful and insightful person and I have enjoyed our personal dialogs since we met.

If you get a chance, go on over and say hello.



2 Responses to “Murray Madness & Multiple Myeloma”

  1. Lori says:

    Give it time Angie. You will find your voice and your niche and I’m sure you will have those that enjoy knowing that another Myeloma caregiver finds ways to keep on living.

  2. Angie Murray says:

    Aren’t you sweet Lori!!!! Thank you so much. Mine won’t be as informative as yours….or as helpful. I’m just trying to survive! 🙂

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