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Myeloma Holiday?


“Maybe Lori will take a break from her Myeloma Holiday and chime in.” – H.O.

Indeed! I would have never thought there could be such a thing as a Myeloma Holiday. Do you ever get away from it? Well, for some of us, yes. For many, sadly, no. Thankfully Dave and I fall into the yes category. It feels warm and fuzzy. Then I’m reminded of those who aren’t in that place. Every time I hear someone isn’t doing well, relapsed, passed away, I fight the guilt I feel that I can’t have all of you in my camp. I’m also mindful of the fact that it may or may not have a limited timeframe for us. So we just take what we have now and embrace it. Dave is not connected to Myelomaville the way I am so he is just living his life and enjoying himself, which is the way I want it for him. I’m more invested in a different way so I have to find outlets for how I’m feeling through others, mostly you, online, email or phone calls. Dave’s outlook on how he is and how he feels is important to us for his well being. So I don’t burden him with the less pleasant side of what happens in those darkened ally ways.

“Where there is pain, there will be strength. Where there is sadness, there will be wisdom. And where there is fear, there will be renewal. ”  – Notes from the Universe, Mike Dooley


Ashland Bay Merino Wool

Ashland Bay Merino Wool

So what on earth have I been doing? Having total, unadulterated, fun. I’ve been spinning like a mad woman, making some beautiful scarves and going on a lot of trips. I have so many photos to share it’s quite overwhelming how far behind I am. And shortly I’m embarking on yet another trip. A quick fly in to Maryland, dinner with our daughter, and then I’m driving across to California with my friend Judi who is finally making the last puzzle piece move into place and relocate to where she grew up in Huntington Beach, CA. We will stop in Kentucky and stay with Paula and go to the races at Keeneland. I’m quite excited about this as I always go in December and vow to come back in April and never do. So I’ve got my wish and I’m looking forward to it. It will be a new experience for Judi as she is a sailor. Experiencing the world of expensive horses will be fun to see through her eyes.

Fiber, Spool, Skein

Fiber, Spool, Skein

Dave continues to work out with Lou and his body is changing for the better. Too slow for him, but I notice it. He notices his stamina and remarks almost daily on how he can do things now that he couldn’t do before without a great deal of effort. He’s working entirely too many hours and I can get into a snit about it, and then I just have to let it go. It is one of the things that defines who he is and reminds him that he is in a good place. So I have to let my frustration works it way through.

I’ve been responding to emails from patients and caregivers through my blog, acquaintances, FaceBook, etc. Doing interviews, webinars, videos, etc. So while I’ve been absent, I’ve still been connected and busy, but in a different way. I’ve really missed you guys and every Tuesday and Friday when my reminder to blog pops up on my phone, I feel that pang that I’m not yet ready to return from my Myeloma Holiday. Every once in a while I see something or hear something that makes me think it would be worth commenting on here, but evidently not enough to sit down and do it.

There have been some interesting developments in the general world of cancers, but nothing that is going to rock our world just yet. But I continue to feel very optimistic about the small steps toward control and cure that happen around the world with Myeloma and cancer in general.

HS Girlfriends at Yellowstone Falls

HS Girlfriends at Yellowstone Falls

I’m still working at the local Yarn Shoppe once a week. It’s a peaceful time for me and I enjoy the company of those who come in to knit, spin or weave.

Our children continue to thrive and of course that brings us great pride and joy.

Scarf for Paula

Scarf for Paula


While on “holiday” I missed the moment when I hit the million visits mark. Wow. It is humbling and yet many of you bring more to me than I think I can ever bring to you. But I’m always heartened when you share with me your journey and that I have helped you to get through the mire and the muck. It was my greatest hope when I started to pour it all out the internet pages. Take care. 

4 Responses to “Myeloma Holiday?”

  1. Lori says:

    Hi Debby! I soooo understand the stress if wondering how it all turns out! I’m glad that so far it has been good for us. You are a welcome interruption! I hope some if my posts are helpful and relevant. Hang in there and keep a stuff upper lip. 🙂 Best, Lori

  2. Debby Smith says:

    Sorry to interrupt your holiday, but I just found you and your blog when i was searching for info about fatigue in MM patients (my husband is struggling). Your entry about fatigue was from 2011, and I was a little afraid to check on your more current posts. So heartened to discover that you are living life, you and Dave, and embracing what each day brings!
    I have added your blog to my RSS feed and will catch up on your earlier journey as I have time. Just know that you have another companion on the journey, and I am thankful to hear your voice.

  3. Lori Puente says:

    Thanks Hugh. It’s good to hear from you!

  4. Hugh says:

    I have missed your blogs and I am sure many have but you deserve the holiday, and glad for you that you had it. The scarf you show here made for Paula is just beautiful, love the colors.
    I am well and I am sure many other of your followers are as well and hope for you to continue and enjoy your holiday!


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