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Bob, Dave, Bonnie, Me (L-R)

“It is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends.” – Unknown

What a wonderful evening!

Over a year ago, I received a heartfelt email from Bonnie. Her boyfriend, Bob, had Multiple Myeloma.

It turns out that Bob was diagnosed about the same time as Dave, from the same area where we were in the Washington, DC area and also was treated in Little Rock.

We figured that we just kept missing each other there.

Bob also knows some of the same wonderful Myeloma folks we do who treated in Little Rock.

Over time, we learned we had much in common. We all have two kids, all about the same ages.

Bonnie had contacted me about something last week and in the course of our email conversation learned that we were coming to Florida. She and Bob were also planning a trip to Florida and as luck would have it, they would be 30 minutes from us for part of their trip! So plans to meet up went into full swing and we had the most marvelous evening. Dave’s parents were thrilled to host us and we had a fabulous dinner, terrific conversation, and lots of laughter. We felt like old friends right from the start.

I have said this before and I just have to repeat it here – again. If we had continued to never have known what Multiple Myeloma was, we would have probably continued with our lives just fine. But I have met, and continue to meet some pretty terrific people along this road of Multiple Myeloma. And I can tell you that I am glad to have them in my life. They offer many gifts to Dave and I, and our lives are greatly enriched.

When they walked out the door after a full evening. Dave’s father asked, “So how IS Bob? How is he doing?” I said, “He’s doing GREAT Dad. He’s like Dave, low risk, and is on his maintenance therapy now.” Dave’s father responded, “FAN-TAS-TIC!” It was very sweet.

I don’t know when we will have another opportunity like this, but I hope we meet up again. Bonnie is thinking we should put together a little reunion with some of the folks we have all met in Little Rock. I think Bob and I are planning to Skype!

One Response to “Myeloma “Meet Up””

  1. Angie says:

    Wonderful….so glad you had a great time. Wishing you a very Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!

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