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Protein Powder

“He that takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the skills of the physician.” – Chinese proverb

When my mother was ill with cancer and found it difficult to eat “enough” to satisfy my concerns, I began a fervent search for a supplemental way to provide some protein into her diet.

It was a frustrating process. I tried over a dozen different types of “shakes”. I found them all sorely lacking in taste or ease of preparation. Many would taste powdery and chalky. Some, when I would put them in the blender to better mix them would blow up into these fluffy concoctions that was like drinking flavored air! It was pretty bad. Most were high calorie (perhaps their purpose) and high in sugars or sugar substitutes. I would come home excited to try this next $60 purchase of some large canister of muscle building protein powder only to have both my Mom and I, grimace after a few sips that this just wasn’t going to be part of our daily routine. I can’t tell you how many I gave away to young teens in the neighborhood desperate to get “buff”. The only good thing out of taste testing all these powders and supplements was my Mom and I had some pretty big laughs!

Sadly, not until after my mother passed away did I stumble upon a protein powder (Whey Delicious) that tasted good, was easy to make, low in sugars and carbs, and had a good amount of protein.

It has been almost 10 years since she passed and I still use this protein powder. It is wonderful. Unless you can’t eat Whey, then this will not work for you. I imagine that in 10 years there are some better ones out there now, but I’m still completely and utterly satisfied with my Whey Delicious. Its light, tasty, easy to make in the blender and I can add all sorts of fun things to it or just drink it by itself. It can mix up out of the blender, but it doesn’t blend as well. It seems that if these protein powders stir-in easy they don’t “blender” well and visa versa. I know this because I would pack baggies full of it with me on the many travel diving trips with my daughter during her competitive years with US Diving. Getting any sort of breakfast in a strange town, in a hotel at 5:30 or 6 am in the morning, was quite a hurdle. So I would get small cartons of milk and put them in a shaker with some ice cubes. It still tasted good, but its definitely designed for a blender preparation.

There is a lot of new data coming out (“new data coming out” seems to be endless in all facets of our lives!) that suggest we are not getting enough daily protein. There are those of us who aren’t big breakfast eaters. Then there are those of us (Dave and I) who have lost significant muscle mass during our Myeloma Journey, coupled with the fact that we are now in the 50+ crowd and would be fighting this trend in our bodies anyway.

So while I wouldn’t advocate a liquid diet, I certainly would advocate an easy, tasty, modestly priced, liquid supplement that makes getting some extra protein in your diet much more enjoyable.

Whey Delicious is a small sole proprietor on the east coast. Calling them on the phone to place your order is fairly delightful. Call them and order some, ask for some samples, if they can, of their other flavors. I like Chocolate (of course), Vanilla (the most versatile), and their Strawberry. They will include a little booklet of recipes and you can find them on their website also.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” -Thomas Edison


Their powders are running at $39.95 currently – 32 single scoop servings.

What, if any, protein powders do you like and recommend?

6 Responses to “Protein Powder”

  1. Lori says:

    Hanna! Thanks so much for such a GREAT detailed response! I know folks that this will be of help too. Never heard of such a thing. Thank you so much!

  2. HannaO says:

    Lori, this is an excellent subject for discussion. I am a lacto ovo vegetarian and I sometimes don’t get enough protein.

    Mixing is usually a problem for sure. I have an amazing ND and he recommended a Pumpkin Seed Protein powder. I did originally find it hard to mix (used a magic bullet) but then realized I could just put it in my yogurt or oatmeal or salad etc. Today it was in yogurt and it tasted great.

    Pumpkin seed protein powder is extremely healthy. I use this one – http://omeganutrition.com/inventoryD.asp?item_no=EPPPP265

    It is gluten free, low calorie, low fat, no cholesterol, only 2 g of carbohydrate, 0 sugars, and 10 g of protein for 1 serving (1.5 scoops).

    I’m not sure if you know about the great value of pumpkin seeds. Here is a short excerpt from their site:

    Pumpkin Seeds:

    Are great for prostate maintenance.
    Help keep your bladder healthy.
    Work as a hormone balance.
    May help lower cholesterol levels.
    Rich in phosphorus, magnesium and manganese and is also a good source of other minerals including zinc, iron and copper.
    A high source of protein and vitamin K.
    Contain A good source of favorable plant sterols which directly benefit male and female reproductive health.
    And are also a rich source of omega-6 EFA and omega-9

    Ok – so I don’t need prostate support, but overall, this is by far one of the best products I found in my long search as well. Most importantly, I can’t stand all the sweet products out there so like you, I have given away many of my protein powders and bars.

    So, if there are any vegetarian blog readers out there, here is one option you may want to consider.

    Lori – thanks for reminding me to take the powder 🙂


  3. Lori says:

    I would imagine that they are definitely beneficial! Finding one that tasted good, was easy to mix up and consume, and had a good amount of protein was my ardent search. Sounds like the Isagenix fits that bill as well! Choices are a good thing! Thanks for the info. I’m sure it will be beneficial to others! Thanks Kit!

  4. kit says:

    Yes, Lori, I use the Isagenix for a meal replacement — usually breakfast — with frozen bananas and/or strawberries. It’s very filling…probably more so than the straight whey powder. It may be my imagination, but I do think the other nutritional elements are beneficial. When I drink them regularly, I feel great.

  5. Lori says:

    Thanks Kit!
    Here is the link: http://www.isagenix.com/us/en/isaleanshake.dhtml
    It does have a high carb count, however… it has other nutrients that the Whey Delicious doesn’t have. It would seem that WD is purely a protein boost where many others are more of a nutritional boost. ????

  6. kit says:

    I’ve really been a fan of Isagenix protein powder — IsaLean, I think they call it. I like the creamy texture. I prefer the vanilla because I can mix all kinds of fruit in, but the chocolate isn’t too bad. It does have more sugars then I’d prefer, though, so perhaps it’s time to try Whey Better. Thanks for the input!

    (PS. The Isagenix does seem to have a sort of “binding” effect that works well when my husband is dealing with some of the less pleasant digestive side effects of chemo. )

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