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Simply Put

LIFE can seem harsh at times
It can seem somehow unfair
Why me?

A fair question.
But why not you?
Why someone else?

Life is full of twists and turns
How you negotiate them is indeed Life’s experience
You do have choices
If only how you choose to
view it
handle it
experience it

I choose

I refuse to allow cancer to break my spirit
It took my mother, but it didn’t take all the gifts she gave me
She has triumphed
Her legacy is in me and my children

If not cancer? What?
I just miss her.
Simply put.

2 Responses to “Simply Put”

  1. Lori says:

    Well said Suse. My mother would be helping me to get through it, lending her emotional and physical support in my time of need. I could have cried on her shoulder when I needed to and been enveloped in her warm embrace.

  2. Very nicely worded – how we miss our dear Mothers – is it worse because we have many worries to deal with now? Of course they would have been the person who would have listened and advised with a loving heart. Missing is a huge emotion and one we learn somehow to live with.
    Hugs x

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