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Thank You! (Gift)

When I very tentatively started this blog, I was sure that I had something to say, but I wasn’t sure I would have folks who found it helpful or interested. It was suggested, repeatedly, that I write a book. I’m not a writer and though I thought about it, and even started to “write”, I knew it would take me too long to go through that process of writing and finding a publisher and I felt that I wanted to get some data out there NOW.

If you are a reader of my blog, you know it was my hope that it would be helpful to you, give you courage, offer a light at the end of a long tunnel. To give you information and some bread crumbs of some significance to assist you in your fervent search for information from those who had “been there, done that”. That I could temper your fear and worry somehow with a guide, steps, however inadequate they still seem to be at times.

As I gained more confidence and emails from readers, some I knew, some who were “non-cancer” supporters, some I will never meet, the blog evolved into something I enjoy and feel good about. I am currently averaging more than a 100 visitors a day. From my “stats” I can see if you have come from Pat Killingsworth’s, Living with Myeloma, Sean Murray’s, Myeloma Youreloma, Kris @ How to Move a Mountain, the prestigious online periodical The Myeloma Beacon, David Emerson’s, People Beating Cancer, and others. These (and more!) are the active people in a small, but sadly growing, Myeloma online community. I’m honored to be in their company. They all offer great information and points of views in their particular area of interest concerning MM. We seem to respectfully embrace our differing views and really offer them up for YOU to make decisions for yourself on how and what you are going to do. There is still no clear path and yet many traveled.

Though I get many visitors, I get few comments. So its not always clear to me that I am helping at all, or its just that I’m getting higher up on the search engines.

My favorite search so far by the way is –

“myeloma & being cranky”

I read that if you run contests on your blogs you will get more readers, subscribers, comments. I know a fabulous artist that does this, a free painting! Wow! I know another great blogger I love who gives away cameras among other cool things! I was thinking, “what on earth could I give to a fellow MMer?” I mean really? Right? A cancer contest? Ick! And then the lightbulb moment. A set of my three most favored books when we began our Myeloma Journey. They are listed in my books tab.

If you would like a set sent to you personally, by me, a gift if you will, to help you in your journey. Leave a comment telling me what your advice would be to someone new facing MM. If you are newly diagnosed and don’t yet have advice, then tell me how this blog, or someone else’s, has been helpful to you in your journey.

Good luck and I will announce the recipient in a few weeks! (How you will be announced will be fully approved by you.)


Friends are allowed to participate, but you have to promise you will still love me if you don’t win! And for my readers across the pond, no worries, I’ll figure it out!

UPDATE: Patrick Quillin is sending me an “autographed” copy of his book for this gift!

4 Responses to “Thank You! (Gift)”

  1. Hi Lori-
    First of all, yes you are an enlightened caregiver- you walk the walk and talk the talk. Second, yes, I will still like you if I don’t win.
    “Leave a comment telling me what your advice would be to someone new facing MM-” my advice to newly diagnosed mmers is to
    1) Take a deep breath- don’t rush into therapy. Figure out where you are and where you are going. If I knew then what I know now…
    2) Read, ask, learn- knowledge is power-the more you learn about cancer and mm the more empowered you will feel, the better your decision making.
    3) Always remember that you are in charge. You make any/all decisions when it comes to your health. If you follow 1 and 2 you will be comfortable doing #3 and you are less likely to have doubts.

    David Emerson

  2. Lori says:

    Thank you for the tip Hanna!

  3. HannaO says:

    Hi Lori.

    I just recently discovered your blog and follow it religiously. I love the information and the way you present it.

    Just wanted to mention that if you are worried about publishing, there are many places where you can self publish so don’t let that stand in your way. I haven’t really looked into it, but doing a quick search I found 2 – http://www.smashwords.com/about and http://www.wattpad.com/ but there may be better ones for health.

    Good luck, and thanks for your great insights.

  4. Angie Murray says:

    Lori….you know I love your info!!!!! You definitely have helped me, more than once. 🙂

    My advice would be to not be afraid to accept other’s help when offered. From one that has never asked for help…it was a difficult thing to do…but as we were reminded constantly….we were giving others the joy of helping. So please….let people help. And if you need it….ASK for help. 🙂

    My next advice would be to have a carepage or caringbridge page. It is an easy way to keep everyone informed of what is going on so that you don’t have to repeat the same information over & over. It really DOES help ease the stress.

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