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“Good science is all about following the data as it shows up, and letting yourself be proven wrong, and letting everything change while you are working on it…” – Rebecca Skloot, Author

My friend Allison sent this to me today. She works at NIH and had the privilege of hearing the author talk there about Henrietta’s life and contribution to science.

For some of us with MM or even other cancers, complaints are often voiced about the lack of cure or a clear path. I always seem to take a different view and look at all that has and is being done relative to not too long ago. I personally find the task of cancer research incredibly daunting and am so appreciative of those who find it challenging and engage in the activity with dedication and even sometimes vengeance.

This is a story about a woman whose cells were taken from her without her consent or knowledge many years ago. As a result, this unknown, poor, black, woman from the south has saved countless millions of lives worldwide. The author heard of this woman when she was in science class at age 16! Obviously it never left her and she eventually wrote the story of this unknown savior for humanity. I suspect there are many unsung heroes in this world that through their efforts, intended or unintended have made many things possible that we benefit from.

Have a quick read at the Author’s book site and for your convenience I have included the book trailer here for you.


Thank you Ms. Skloot for “listening” in science class!


One Response to “The Immortal Life – Henrietta Lacks”

  1. Lori says:

    My friend Allison, went to the NIH bookstore and bought me the last autographed copy of this book as a gift. Do you ever have those days where you just feel really blessed? Well, receiving this book from her in the mail was one of those days. The author’s signature and Ali’s inscription to me. I’ve heard you can’t put it down, a real page turner. I’m looking forward to it! Thanks Allison!

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