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“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” – Mark Twain

Margaret over at Margaret’s Corner has written a small article clearing up the differences between Tumeric and Cucurmin when used for improving one’s health situation, which are often used interchangeably (by me as well!). She presented it in response to an article written on Steve Job’s recent death.

Margaret is considered by many of us THE SOURCE of information in this area and has successfully kept her myeloma from progressing into the stages where she would need medical intervention. I admire her tenacity and footnoting of sources used in her posts. Go have a read here.

And check out her later post on Quercetin. You should definitely keep Margaret on your list of blogs to follow, no matter where you are in your Myeloma journey. 


2 Responses to “Tumeric…Cucurmin…Tumeric?”

  1. Lori says:

    You are in a really good spot to be giving it a go Doug! 🙂

  2. Doug says:

    Thank you for sharing Lori. I think I’m going to try some quercetin…never know, 🙂

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