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I urge you to go on over to The Myeloma Beacon and read the daily reporting on the ASH Conference paper presentations, Q&A, etc., going on right now concerning Multiple Myeloma. It is a great way to get snippets of the latest research translated into understandable sound bites for us “lay” folks dealing with Multiple Myeloma.

“Thank you Beacon Staff!”

There is some exciting stuff going on and I’m enjoying immensely the latest updates.

The one today on developing and testing the subcutaneous injection version of Velcade for those on maintenance therapy is very exciting. Imagine, no more trips to the infusion center every week, though they are not difficult. But more importantly, Dave being able to get his shot every week, because he can self administer or have me do it. No more scheduling changes because of business or pleasure travel. Not too mention, side effects were significantly less – according to the findings. We could remove his iport in his clavicle. Oh the wonderful changes it would bring to us personally and I suspect, countless others.

All good stuff!

PS … and may I just say, KUDOS Millennium (makers of Velcade) for so quickly and vigorously pursuing a subcu version! Thank you! Thank you! Who by the way have two fairly new websites available. One is www.mymultiplemyeloma.com and the other is www.velcade.com. In case you want to find them again when this post gets buried, they are in my “Resources” tab at the top of the blog.

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