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Lori, Barbara, Jim, Dave (L-R)

“It is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends.” – Unknown

Long story short. Jim and I met last year at a Myeloma event in Cambridge. We had both been invited and both were flying in from Sacramento, but didn’t know until the driver picked us up to drive us to the hotel. Small world. He and Dave share the same local oncologist, even smaller. We enjoyed getting to know each other and vowed to meet up when we returned home. Many months later, the promised fulfilled and we had the most lovely evening.

His wife and I have much in common as she is an artist (see work here) of prominence (not the prominence part, but the artist part). We have hope to meet up more often to share in some of the small, but enjoyable things to do in and around Sacramento.

Life is full and rich!

(both in food and conversation!)

2 Responses to “Myeloma “Meet-up!” – Jim & Barbara”

  1. Lori says:

    It does indeed warm the heart, doesn’t it? Out of such personal tragedies we often feel and are real, we continue to grow, expand and cross paths with amazing and wonderful people we would have otherwise never known. I feel quite that way about you. And you are on “my list” of important people in my life, that I plan to meet up with in person! Thanks Susie! (a continuing inspiration to me)

  2. How fantastic! You look like you had a marvellous time. So nice to see how good things come about out of difficult situations. New friends how lovely! Life is indeed full and rich.

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